#BookReview: Hothouse Flower by Krista & Becca Ritchie (@KBRitchie)

18308266Hothouse Flower by Krista & Becca Ritchie
Series: Calloway Sister #2 / Addicted #2.2
Genre: New Adult / Contemporary Romance
Pages: 500 (ebook)
Publication: March 28th 2014
Ryke Meadows, meet Daisy Calloway ... she’s all grown up. 

Twenty-five-year-old Ryke Meadows knows he’s hard to love. With a billion-dollar inheritance, a track-star resume, and an alpha-male personality—he redefines the term likable asshole. But he’s not living to make friends. Or enemies. He just wants to free climb three of the toughest mountains in Yosemite without drama or interruption.

And then he receives a distressed call from a girl in Paris—a girl that he has never been allowed to have.

Daisy Calloway is eighteen. Finally. With her newfound independence, she can say goodbye to her overbearing mother and continue her modeling career. Next stop, Paris. Fashion Week begins with a bang, and Daisy uncovers the ugly reality of the industry. She wants to prove to her family that she can live on her own, but when everything spirals out of control, she turns to Ryke to keep her secrets. 

As Daisy struggles to make sense of this new world and her freedom, she pushes the limits and fearlessly rides the edge. Ryke knows there’s deep hurt beneath every impulsive action. He must keep up with Daisy, and if he lets her go, her favorite motto—“live as if you’ll die today”—may just come true.

New Adult Romance: recommended for readers 18+ for mature content

***Authors' Note***
Hothouse Flower is a spin-off of the Addicted series. Kiss the Sky is required before reading, and we strongly recommend reading the Addicted series before this spin-off. 

My Thoughts

I picked this book just because I wanted to read the second story of Rose and Connor and authors recommend to read this one first (and I learn my lesson), and not because I really want to know about Daisy and Ryke’s story. Also, I haven’t read the Addicted series and I just picked up Kiss the Sky because I read the synopsis and I thought it was really fun. On Kiss the Sky Daisy wasn’t one of my favorite characters, neither my least, I just didn’t care about her, she was just Rose’s daredevil little sister; just as Ryke was a bonus character that didn’t much as far as adding the "F" word on each phrase. But after reading Hothouse Flower, I changed my mind completely, so I can now say that I love them both so much, just as Rose and Connor. 

Daisy redeemed herself so much from the flat character I saw on Kiss the Sky. She changed so much and I felt that I really connect with her, I felt all her emotions while struggling with her issues, the love for her sisters, her regrets, convictions and the love she has for Ryke. I believe in her, which is hard for me to do with a character right now after all the books I read.

Maybe you think that I’m such brat to say I read too many books and I don’t believe in characters anymore but it’s just that I'm very connected to the reality right now and lately the books I picked up have flat characters and unrealistic plots, and make me disbelieve in them. I know that plenty of people do the opposite (read to avoid reality) but I just can’t keep myself apart from it and that makes me struggle. But then, writers like Becca and Krista Ritchie bring to me such characters that fill my spirit again and make me want to keep reading.

Keeping with the characters, Ryke was sooooooo wonderful in this book. Like I said before, for me he was just an impulsive guy that has a thing for Daisy. I’m so glad that the girls keep this intact through the book; they pretty much tell us “they been doing this for a long time now” and that finally, everything was folding so right. I like Ryke because while he’s still impulsive and needs to say “Fucking” in every single sentence he made, he was so kind and cares about everybody, especially his brother, and Daisy. And he wasn’t a feminine character, I hate when some authors do this, that they think that just because the character has a boy name, a boy’s look and says bad words he is a guy but actually act and think like a woman, and that’s so unbelievable. 

Ryke was not like that. He likes guy’s stuff, he acts like a guy would act but that doesn’t stop him from feeling and cares about the people he loves. 

Speaking about love, I really like how the romance was unfolded on this book. It wasn’t rushed and it wasn’t something about instalove. We already know that Ryke and Daisy have quite a time having feelings for each other and we really can understand it and believe that their love is real. Besides, I like how all the stuff was put together to create their relationship. 

Overall, I love this book so much and it is one of best that I’ve read this year so far. I like the plot, the characters, and the romance. My only regret was to think that I wouldn’t like this book just as I liked the previous of the Calloway Sisters series. Krista and Becca Ritchie are gaining a spot into my read blind sight authors list because the two books I’ve read by them so far are wonderful!


Will I re-read it?

About the Author
PictureKrista & Becca Ritchie are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. Now in their early twenties, they write about other twenty-somethings navigating through life, college, and romance. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love. 

They are the New Adult authors of the Addicted series and Calloway Sisters spin-off series, and you can find them on almost every social media, frolicking around like wannabe unicorns. 

You cand find Them here:

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