#BookReview: Wicked by Jennifer L. Armentrout (@JLArmentrout)


Things are about to get Wicked in New Orleans.

Twenty-two year old Ivy Morgan isn’t your average college student. She, and others like her, know humans aren’t the only thing trolling the French Quarter for fun… and for food. Her duty to the Order is her life. After all, four years ago, she lost everything at the hands of the creatures she’d sworn to hunt, tearing her world and her heart apart.

Ren Owens is the last person Ivy expected to enter her rigidly controlled life. He’s six feet and three inches of temptation and swoon-inducing charm. With forest-green eyes and a smile that’s surely left a stream of broken hearts in its wake, he has an uncanny, almost unnatural ability to make her yearn for everything he has to offer. But letting him in is as dangerous as hunting the cold-blooded killers stalking the streets. Losing the boy she loved once before had nearly destroyed her, but the sparking tension that grows between them becomes impossible for Ivy to deny. Deep down, she wants… she needs more than what her duty demands of her, what her past has shaped for her.

But as Ivy grows closer to Ren, she realizes she’s not the only one carrying secrets that could shatter the frail bond between them. There’s something he’s not telling her, and one thing is for certain. She’s no longer sure what is more dangerous to her—the ancient beings threatening to take over the town or the man demanding to lay claim to her heart and her soul.


My Thoughts

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you would know that I LOVE JLA's books. She knows how to makes her stories real, exciting and full of action and emotions, well written characters and likable. There's no way my emotions don't flow all over with her books. 

Only one time she has deceive me, but I can't fall for that because everyone is human and at some moment its needed to flaw. Nobody could be perfect. So, I'm more than happy to have read another of her books. And all I need to say is that SHE HAS DONE IT AGAIN.
So, I'll start with a really random thought this is the most beautiful book cover of JLA ever. Truly, it could sounds like a really stupid thing but I'm fond to pretty covers and this is just beautiful, I love the underwater themes, but the combinations with the red and the floating of the typography is just marvelous. This cover was design by Sarah Hansen and you can read everything about the process of making HERE and HERE, so you don't need to read about me rambling of the cover.

Back to the story, I have to say that I was very exciting to read this book and it didn't let me down. Everything JLA writes it becomes magic; she knows how to create wonderful characters to swoon about and engage the reader into a full pack action plot. I couldn't ask more for the most awesome author I have the opportunity to read from.

Ivy is just one of another female characters from Jenn, but I don't say it as a bad thing, for the contrary, JLA creates wonderful female leads who we could relate to. But in this case, she got a very different light from any other Jenn characters, she is not like Katy (from Luxen) or Alex (from Covenant), I could picture slightly like Layla (from The Dark Elements) and even so very much different. 

Ivy got a unique personality, she is very brave and feet on the ground girl. We know that she had passed for a rough moment but that actually makes her strong and focus to fight. Seeing things through her POV was really great since she doesn't concentrate in the bad things but to see the world in a humored way. She makes this world of Fae and life threatening be more easy to relate to thanks to the humor she give to it.

Ren, by other hand, is very different of the male characters JLA get us use to. This guy is more like a friend than a boyfriend material. But you know what? That works very well in this story. It isn't that I'm tired of hot guys but I really wanted to read from a character that doesn't have to be mean with the girl at the beginning, that he could see despite her rash comments and bad attitude and change the way she see the world.

I happy the way JLA change the roles for this novel. Now the girl is the jackass while the guy is the good, kind spirit that would change the perspective of his partner. Though, you would think that Ren isn't charm at all, you need to think twice. Cause, this guy is funny and lovely, and got lines to fall all over the floor and claim to be his baby's mama. I'm telling you, you would fall in love with him.

My favorite character is, without a doubt, Tink. I love this little thing. Even more because he loves Harry Potter too. 

"Well, I don't trust you either, so what-the-fuck-ever," Tink replied with a saucy grin as he stepped out from behind my leg.
    Grabbing a scarf off the chair, I threw it at him.
    He caught it, clutching it to his chest as he flew into the air. "You gave Tink a scarf. Tink is free!" He flew out into the hallway like a little cracked-out fairy, screeching, "Tink is freeeeee!"
    Ren looked at me. "What in the actual fuck?"
    I sighed. "He's obsessed with Harry Potter. I'm sorry."
    Tink darted back into the room, holding the scarf to his bare chest. "There is no reason to apologize when it comes to Harry Potter."
    "You do remember what happened to Dobby, right?" I said.
    "Shit." Tink's eyes widened and then he dropped the scarf. 

About the plot, well it does surprise me because, I'm not into fairies storylines; I really don't like it. But this was very entertaining and I was yearning to know more about it. Then, the big question why I didn't give it five starts? Well, because it is predictable. Usually, Jenn susprises me each time through any of her books, I never could seen something coming, but with Wicked, I quite of figured out everything before the half of the book. 

I don't know if it is because I'm too smart or because JLA made it that abvious. What I do know is that it didn't make me jump over the edge for the simple reason that I knew it before it coming. Though, it's not something to worried about too much because the awesome way that this book is writing leave you waiting for more and yearning to grab the next book immediately... *I see a cliffhanger coming*... Well, yeah, it does have one.

Overall, this was an entertaining read. Another from the magic of Jennifer L. Armentrout. Perfect characters, great plot, amazing setting and lot of actions. I recommend it to all who like JLA books and all those like a great fantasy novel with a touch of realism.

About The Author

# 1 New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Jennifer L. Armentrout Lives in West Virginia. All the rumors you heard about her state aren’t true. Well, mostly. When she's not hard at work writing, she spends her time, reading, working out, watching zombie movies, and pretending to write.

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  1. I want to try this one -- I'm a big fan of JLA. It's hard to keep up with all the books she writes :)
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. Yes, I know, she writes a lot! Fortunately, her books are amazing so isn't hard to try them!

      Thank you for visit!

  2. This cover is way too beautiful! I don't think I've ever read anything by her but it looks interesting. Great review!

    1. Yes, it's so beautiful. JLA book are really great, she always writes about very different things each series. But what I like the most of her is the way she make her characters relatable. We always can find ourselves in them. I fully recommend everyone to read a book by her!

      Thanks for visit!



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