Guest Blog Tour: HE: A Sexual Odyssey by Stephen Morks

Hello, my lovely readers! We all have those guilty pleasures, right? We can’t let them go and secretly ask for more. Even it is chocolate or an erotic book. A sexy, steamy novel is wonderful to read everytime. So today, I’m so glad to host this erotic author and his novel here on Corazones Literarios. You have to know what he say about his novel. Don't miss anything and read below. Enjoy!


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Hi guys! I'm so glad to have this author today on Corazones Literarios. I really want to know more about his book and I think so do you! Well Stephen Morks is here to tells us all about it. Welcome, Stephen! What do you have for us today?

What is HE: A Sexual Odyssey

¡Buenos días! Gracias for allowing me to introduce you to myself and my novella “HE: A Sexual Odyssey”. I’m Stephan Morsk and have been writing daily for about fifteen years. I’ve won awards, came in 7th and 8th place in a Writer’s Digest contest out of a field of 19.000, and published short stories. But I’m really here to give you a sense of what my book is all about. It’s the story of a thirty-ish law student in Manhattan who is desperately trying to break his isolated existence by finding Ms. Right. His quest proves less than smooth, largely fraught with hazards and humiliations and at times downright dangerous.

Take the nanny of his ex-boss’ kid. He runs into her on Saturday mornings when he takes a turn at babysitting before the nanny, named Misha, arrives. She is, as they say caliente, sizzling hot and about ten years younger than him. He feels he has no chance with her yet he finds his eyes hiking all over her each time they meet. Finally she sends him a rather hostile letter enclosing a pubic hair and rubbed with her pheromones informing him that she knows he lusts after her. He is not sure how to take this inviolate communication.

“Who was this Misha and why was she so concerned about his ogling affirmations, ennobling as they might be? Someone of her ethereal status would be used to such gawks. A million haggard eyes would deflower her on the way over to the madam’s, doling their unctuous optic paws over her hypermammiferous imago. Alone, nude in her room, eyeballs hovered outside her window, awaiting their scarlet moment of luminescence. Even on her bed in the midnight ethos, a dull satyriasis as her fingers diddled her swelling mound, her legs thrown casually upward as she rubbed the jewel of her clitoris in silent devotion, a thousand saprophytic eyes waited in silent abjuration her discernment. He was, after all, not the only one.” p. 5.

Eventually he does enter into a relationship with her, but it is a sado-masochistic imbroglio in which she texts him times she’ll be in a restaurant with her boy friend. He goes there as well and hooks up with her in the bathroom unbeknownst to the boyfriend to gratify her humiliating lusts (toe sucking, foot licking, and butt kissing temptations). Exactly why he goes along with this he’s not sure.

He spies a woman in a coffee shop with breasts that are ‘freaks of nature’ whom he believes could be ‘the one’. She accidentally leaves her briefcase under the table when she departs and he takes this fortuitous moment to try to return it to her thus earning her regard. He’s unable to connect with her but there is a cell phone in the briefcase and eventually it rings. A meeting place is texted and he does meet this fawn again, returning the briefcase but forgetting to return the cell phone. In the meantime he encounters a thug named Brunner who beats him up over it. Eventually much to his delight, she turns up at his apartment in a state of desperation. Despite all her drawbacks, he’s smitten and delighted at her reappearance.

“I’ll be staying a while,” she said. He nodded excitedly at the news. Not that he had invited her. She’d brought her bosoms and that was enough to engage his endorsement. “I’m in a bit of a mess,” she said, cutely as ever. She kept tossing off phrases, warnings really, puntos de informacion by way of explication. “I’m not who you think I am,” she said. Then finally, “I carry a gun.” 

Ignoring all this data momentarily, he asked, “Can I get you anything?” p.37

She is his real life savior and can do no wrong despite the fact that she’s in an international crime ring of thugs. Unfortunately, (spoiler alert!) she disappears rather quickly leaving him in endless empty abandon. However, a strange metal rod in her purse is the object of more intrigue. He encounters the salacious, gawky Tinkerbell.

...her physical being thrilled him. She wasn’t overly endowed in the frontal nether world, but what there was assumed an ovoid fullness. Likewise her derriere was just plump enough to enjoin approbation. This femme fatal gathered in him a robust lust. p. 56.

Despite warnings from law enforcement, he agrees to meet with her in his apartment in an exchange of sex for the metal rod. Unfortunately she turns quite dangerous, and he barely escapes with his life.

Themes of feminine salvation and the power women have over men dominate my work. A related theme is the arbitrariness of a vicious fate. Through no fault of his own, “HE” encounters several less than tolerable situations in his egalitarian search for the girl of his dreams.

I hope you will give “HE: A Sexual Odyssey” a try. It’s available in soft cover at Amazon, and in e formats Kindle and Nook. My website, offers a new short story monthly. I’m on twitter @SMorsk.

Salud, amor y pesetas

Stephan Morsk

HE: A Sexual Odyssey by Stephan Morsk

Genre: erotic

ISBN: 0-7414-8224-X


The Blurb

In HE the unnamed protagonist, a law student, is involved with a series of women who either loathe him, try to poison him, save his life or exploit him sexually. The first is the nanny of his ex boss’ kid. She sends him a hateful letter, enclosing a pubic hair and rubbed with pheromones. After observing a woman in a coffee shop whose breasts are ‘freaks of nature’ she leaves a briefcase and departs. He’s unsuccessful in returning it to her, but this karmic event exposes him to a bevy of dangerous and seductive paramours.

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Excerpt 1

Dear #######'

DO NOT BE ALARMED. I would never give away your cloying secrets. But don't kid yourself; I know who you are.

You see, I've seen you staring at me in the foyer when I come to take charge of Sisco on Saturday mornings. Your hazel eyeballs have given you away. Don't think I don't get IT. I've noticed how your eyes hover over me, darting around my body like a laser. Picked up on your malingering stare. (I caught you eyeing my butt one day when I left the bathroom door open to tease my hair. Mirrors do reflect in case you didn't know.) When you do acknowledge me (if you do at all), your retinas hover around my chest instead of making eye contact. OMG! Do you think I'm that much of a dumb blonde? Really...

So in deference to the fact that you will never, ever have me, I am sending you these tokens of esteemlessness. (1) Since you would no doubt like to run your gruff fingers through my saintly pubic hairs (not to mention your liar's tongue), I have sent you one (enclosed). And (2) since you'd love to use your sizable nose to sniff me in luscious places I have rubbed certain of my pheromones on special spots (UR, LL) so that you may inhale (which is as much as you can ever hope for) (just the thought of you turns my tummy icky) the essence of my sensuality. Enjoy...

Yours truly,

Misha T, the babe

P.S. I'm even hotter than your pathetic, perverted little mind could ever imagine.

Trust me.

Turning the envelope upside down, something fell out. Hesitant to exhale, lest it vanish, he pulled a small magnifying glass from his desk drawer and examined the specimen. There it was, a curly fury of blackness culled from the mine of her smoky mound.

About the Author

Stephan Morsk is a mental health professional who writes daily. He won a 7th and an 8th place in the Writer’s Digest competition 2001 out of a field of 19,000 writers. He has published a short story and won honorable mentions in other years. His web site offers a new short story each month. He is interested in novellas and recently submitted “Parrot Moon” to the Paris Literary Prize. He’s finished several other short books, part of a four part series including “HE”, “Trashy Novel-A Love Story”, “She” and “I”. He lives in rural Minnesota with his family. His favorite novelist is Normal Mailer. He enjoys exercise and is a reasonable amateur magician. 

You can find Stephen Morsk here:

Check the others Stops


¡Hola, mis queridos lectores! Todos tenemos placeres culpables, ¿verdad? No podemos dejarlos ir y secretamente pedimos más. Ya sea desde chocolate a un libro erótico. Una novela atractivo y vaporosa es maravillosa para leer en cualquier momento. Así que hoy, estoy muy contenta de ser anfitriona de este autor erótico y su novela aquí, en Corazones Literarios. No te pierdas nada y lee a continuación. ¡Disfruta!
HE: A Sexual Odyssey por Stephan Morsk
Género: erótica
ISBN: 0-7414-8224-X

La sinopsis

En HE, el protagonista sin nombre, un estudiante de derecho, es envuelto en una serie de relaciones con mujeres que o lo odian, tratan de envenenarlo, salvan su vida o explotan su lado sexual. La primera es la niñera del hijo de su ex jefe. Ella le envía una carta de odio, anexando un vello púbico roseado con feromonas. Después de observar a una mujer en una tienda de café que tiene el pecho ‘fuera de la naturaleza’ ella deja un maletín y se aleja. Él fracasa en devolvérselo, pero este evento kármico lo expone a un grupo de peligrosas y seductoras amantes. 

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Acerca del Autor

Stephan Morsk es un curador mental profesional que escribe todos los días. Él gano el 7mo y 8vo lugar en la competencia den 2001 de Write’s Digest, donde participaron 19,000 escritores. Él ha publicado historias cortas y Ganado menciones honorable en otros años. Su sitio web ofrece nuevas historias cortas todos los meses. Él está interesado en novelas y recientemente subió “Parrot Moon” a la Paris Literary Prize. Él ha finalizado varios otros libros cortos, partes de una serie de cuatro partes “HE”, “Trashy Novel-A Love Story”, “She” and “I”. Él vive en la Minnesota rural con su familia. Su novelista favorito es Normal Mailer. Él disfruta del ejercicio y es un razonable mago principiante.  

Puedes encontrar a Stephen Morsk aquí:

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  1. Gracias for letting me introduce myself and my work to you on Corazones Literarios. Stephan Morsk

  2. I hope you enjoyed my guest blog. Many thanks to Corazones Literarios for hosting me.
    Salud amor i pesetas,
    Stephan Morsk

    1. My very pleasure to host you and your work!



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