#BookReview: Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter

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Katarina Bishop and W.W. Hale the fifth were born to lead completely different lives: Kat comes from a long, proud line of loveable criminal masterminds, while Hale is the scion of one of the most seemingly perfect dynasties in the world. If their families have one thing in common, it's that they both know how to stay under the radar while getting-or stealing-whatever they want. No matter the risk, the Bishops can always be counted on, but in Hale's family, all bets are off when money is on the line. When Hale unexpectedly inherits his grandmother's billion dollar corporation, he quickly learns that there's no place for Kat and their old heists in his new role. But Kat won't let him go that easily, especially after she gets tipped off that his grandmother's will might have been altered in an elaborate con to steal the company's fortune. So instead of being the heir-this time, Hale might be the mark. Forced to keep a level head as she and her crew fight for one of their own, Kat comes up with an ambitious and far-reaching plan that only the Bishop family would dare attempt. To pull it off, Kat is prepared to do the impossible, but first, she has to decide if she's willing to save her boyfriend's company if it means losing the boy.

My Thoughts

Ally Carter always gives us a world full of dangers and adventures, where the best people of the inlaws or outlaws, face the most excinting moments. Today, I'm happy to share with you the third and (until now) the last intallment of one of the best YA thrillers out there, Perfect Scoundrels. Here we have Katarina Bishop, which main goal of re-steal what have been shamfully robed, find herself in a battle to save one of the most important memeber of her crew, Hale

Of all the people who knew about the big house in the middle of Wyndham Woods, very few had ever been inside. For over a century, the owners had been importing their chefs from France, their butlers from England. Occasionally, someone from town would be summoned through the tall gates and down the winding lane to repair a pipe or deliver supplies; but for the most part, the house was like a dragon in the hills, a sleeping legend that barely touched anything beyond its line of trees. 

First I need to talk about this gorgeous cover; All the conver of Heist Society series are beautiful and are the few that, I think, really catch the theme of the book and character, but this is my favorite cover of the series. I know it's kind of silly since almost of the cover are the same with the girl and the glasses but something of this cover stand out from the previous one. And I just LOVE it. I wish publishers make more amazing covers like this one. 

So, we already know that Kat and Hale are finally into a relationship, but on this book their friendship and love is challenged by each new chapter, I never see much doubt about Hale leaving from Kat before, he was always a strong, full force into the group so, I as kind of annoyed by the whole situation. Speaking of Kat, I'm still in love of her character, she's the leader of the group and protecting her family and friends; I like how she take the opportunity of helping Hale without second thoughts and how she would do anything until she succeed it. Hale, by other hand, was kind of the emotional rider of the book, not because he was too emotional per se (though he had plenty of tought moments) but because everything is about salving him and about how his two wordls collide; we can see how much lonley he was until he found Kat and how much he appreciate been there in the kitchen of Uncle Eddie.

The plot is very good, I agreed it was time to change from the requested jobs and give something more personal to the reader, I liked that very much. Here, we finally are able to know how Kat and Hale meet and have a pick of the dinamic of the Hale's family. However, we don't have answer about mysteries we've been given from previous books like who Vasili Romani, for instead. 

“Are you sure your dad’s not here?” Hale asked as they stepped into the elevator and he pushed the button for the eighty-seventh floor.
“I’m sure,” Kat said.
“Because going to a romantic restaurant with my girlfriend is going to be seriously awkward if her dad is here.”
“First, my father isn’t here—he’s in Bulgaria. I think.” Kat furrowed her brow and pondered for a moment before her mind returned to more pressing matters. “Secondly…” she started, then seemed to think better of it. 

Have you noted that I only talk about Kat and Hale? Well, that's because this book is more about them than the other; something I didn't appreciate very much since I needed more from the brothers, Gabrielle and Simon to lighting the mood. Nonetheless, I still love how Ally share pieces of the thief and artistic world with us like the Alexander Petrovich desk, the Henley and plenty of others amazing things like that. 

OVERALL; If you would ask me if this was my least favorite book of the series several years ago, I would say yes. But right now, after re-read it few times I undertand more the whole think and I think that it's as cool as the previous books. So, I definitely recommend this book. 

About the Author

Ally Carter
Ally Carter writes books about spies, thieves, and teenagers. She is the New York Times Best-selling author of the Gallagher Girls and Heist Society series. Her books have been published all over the world, in over twenty languages. 

ALL FALL DOWN is the first book in her highly-anticipated new series, Embassy Row. She grew up on a farm in Oklahoma, and has never caused an international incident (to her knowledge).

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  1. Donde puedo conseguir el libro en pdf?? gracias

    1. Hola linda!
      Pues por lo que he buscado aún no está en español, yo lo leí en ingles. Puedes descargarlo legalmente de Tuebl.ca (en ingles)

  2. Hola sabes si ya esta en español?

    1. No, linda. Aún no lo encuentro en español.



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