Clean Slate Read-A-Thon


As many readers, I have lot of books on my TBL, and it needs to be clean right away. It's just make me crazy have to look that much books and don't have time to read or really don't feel like it. But I think that is a wesome idea of Novel Ink, Latte Nights Reviews and Lost in Lit to host a new read-a-thon to help us clean of TBL. The thing is to read those books release on 2015 that we haven't read yet.
My goals are:

16096824 18458117 a thousand nights

A Court Of Thorns And Roses by Sarah J. Maas
21 Stolen Kisses by Lauren Blakely (review)
A Thousand Nights by L. K. Johnstonh (review)

You can check the Host: Novel InkLatte Nights Reviews and Lost in Lit to know more about the  challenge and the good things that will happen from January, 10 to January, 17.

Mini-Challenge 1 : Bookish Resolutions

The first mini-challenge of this read-a-thon is about goals, what we want to do in this 2016. I have been doing resolutions since last year; you have to look the list, it was things that could been similar to World Peace. But this year I made things easier, I'm going to keep it simple.

  • Read all the books I challenge myself to do. Last year I set 100 books on my GR challange but becuase I was so busy with college and didn't accomplish it. This year I set 75 and hoping to read them all because I finish university at last!
  • Read more new books. I'm a mood reader, I felt that I'm losing the buzz of all the new books. 
  • Be part of book tours and book promotions but don't get everhelming by then.
  • Write at least one post per week. I know that my blog has changed from bookish to lifestyle (also including books), but I need to post most often. 
  • Be more active on the bookish community, be part of more blog hops, and manage the blog's Twitter and Instagram.
  • Schedule.
  • Watch more TV Shows.
  • Time management.
  • Learn more about coding and create a website for my own.
  • Create my own clothes (I always dream to be a designer).

Bookish Hunt

Check my photo of the bookshelf hunter of the day.

Una foto publicada por Corazones Literarios (@corazonesliterariosreviews) el

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  1. ACOTAR and A Thousand Nights are in my 2015 TBR, too. I hope you enjoy them! I've heard really great things.

    Haraiah @ Random Things In Action

    1. I finished A Thousand Nights two days ago, I enjoy it but I left me waiting for more not in a good way! I'm reading ACOTAR, and I'm sooo enjoy it!! So far it really great!

      Thanks for visit my blog!

    2. I finished A Thousand Nights two days ago, I enjoy it but I left me waiting for more not in a good way! I'm reading ACOTAR, and I'm sooo enjoy it!! So far it really great!

      Thanks for visit my blog!

  2. Time management is something I need to do with blogging, life, reading...really everything. It would help me solve so many problems that I am having. I hope you have an amazing 2016 ahead of you!



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“One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”

— Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel.