#BookReview: Winds of Salem by Melissa de la Cruz

17724884Winds of Salem by Melissa de la Cruz
Series: Beauchamp Family #3
Genre: Adult / Paranormal / Witches / Mythology
Pages: 288 (ebook)
Published: August 13th 2013 by Hyperion

Rating: 4 HEARTS

Freya Beauchamp is trapped in 1692, in Salem of all places, with no recollection of her past. A powerful enemy spell has sent her spiraling away so that she is separated by centuries from her mother, Joanna, and sister, Ingrid. This is not good news for a twenty-first-century witch. Not to mention the immediate threat she faces from the wealthy and influential Putnam family. When little Annie Putnam is one of the first to make accusations of witchcraft, her landowner father jumps at the opportunity to consolidate his power and expand his holdings in Puritan Salem Town. If Freya is caught using magic, she will be forced to relive the witch trials, and this time, her immortality will be in question. Meanwhile, twenty-first-century North Hampton has its own snares. Joanna and Norm consult the Oracle for advice, and Freddie and his pixie allies search for a missing totem that could reopen the passages of time and help bring his sister home. When Ingrid bumps into an old flame, she finds that her new love for Detective Matt Noble is in doubt. Moving between past and present, with dizzying plot twists and page-turning suspense, Winds of Salem is sure to bewitch fans old and new.

My Thoughts

This is my favorite from this trilogy, which is weird since I almost always prefer the first book of each series I’ve read; I think that this happen because I finally distanced myself from the TV show and I started to get into the story through de la Cruz’s mind. I’m going to make this a really short because I don’t have much to tell.

First, I like the fact that the characters improves even more from the previous books and finally catch their pick. My favorite was Freddie, of course (since Serpent’s Kiss); I think that he brought a fresh air to the story. I have to let clear that, just as the TV show, the true heroines are the ladies but Freddie make a wonderful job in here and makes us love him. I can’t wait to know more about him in the spin-off.

How Johanna’s story ended was kind of sad, but not that I really care because I didn’t like her since Witches of East End. I think that what she did was wonderfully motherly at last. Finally she made something that really counts. Freya’s end was confusing, I was left like WTF because I never expect that she decided that, I mean, what a bitch! Thought, I felt that it was fitting to her because she never demonstrated that she was a saint, actually the contrary, she was very clear since the beginning that she like sex and love in general. So I think that it was a good end for her. 

However, I didn’t like the end of Ingrid story; I think that it wasn’t for her. I think that there were so many sign that showed the fact that it wasn’t enough for her and that she could get something very different and maybe even better. It was too forced and I didn’t like it. 

By other hand, this book is set in two different time lines: we have Freya in Salem’s trials time and we have all the others in present time. I thought that this will bothers me because I was thinking why would de la Cruz write about Salem’s trials? I prefer that that would have been the topic of the first book (or, at least, I thought that I would have made it better that way) but actually, it was great because a) it’s the continuo of the second book and b) because it showed and clarify lot of things we have wondered through the whole series like what happened with their father that was so horrible for her mom to send him away.

I think that it worked very good, let it us know more about the Salem witches hunt and (in de la Cruz’s version) what happened in that time. I really enjoy that aspect of this book. However, the writing style keeps bothers me and I just can’t let that go. It still keeps that childish air but as well as the story I think that it was more manageable because I was use to it and because I make myself disconnect from the TV show and what it represent.

In conclusion, I think that this book was very good, the best of this series. The best of it is having Freddie back. Also, I think that all the characters kept true to their identity. The only thing that it still bothers me is the writing style that doesn’t improve too much. 

About been the end of the series
Should this book been read? Yes, I think it does. Should this trilogy be read? To get to this book, I think it does. I enjoy the trilogy very much and I felt that it deserves a try. The deception of the first book doesn’t have to effect the enjoyment of the second and third book because they quite good. I think that we need to see it as a Young Adult novel and not a New Adult because we’re going to expect more of what it truly is. Also, this is not for everyone, I think that only a reader that isn’t too picky or that needs to read all the books from a series or that lets things go easily could enjoy these books, if not, it wouldn’t be that good.

About the Author

Melissa de la CruzMelissa de la Cruz is the New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of many critically acclaimed and award-winning novels for teens including The Au Pairs series, the Blue Bloods series, the Ashleys series, the Angels on Sunset Boulevard series and the semi-autobiographical novel Fresh off the Boat. 

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