Reseña: Los Multimillonarios las prefieren Rubias de Suzanne Enoch

Billionaires Prefer Blondes by Suzanne Enoch
Serie: Samantha Jellicoe #3
Genro: Romance / Chick-lit
Pág.: 331 (Tapa Blanda)
Publication: October, 2009 (edición española) (Terciopelo)
ISBN: 978-84-96575-97-4
It’s not easy dating a billionaire…
Samantha Jellicoe has never met a security camera she couldn't disarm. And even though she's promised her billionaire lover, the irresistible Richard Addison, to walk the straight and narrow, she certainly can't help it when trouble finds her.

What should have been a quiet night at an auction house turns into something more unexpected when Sam spies her father--her dead father--very much alive and very interested in a painting Rick is after. Then the painting vanishes, Sam's arrested, and all hell breaks loose.

Now Sam has to track down the man who taught her everything she knows about breaking and entering. And when she finds him, will his proposal for a lucrative heist tempt her to the dark side, or does Rick have a few tricks to keep her on the right side of a jail cell?

My Thoughts

This has been one of the best books I've had the opportunity to read so far this year. I find it by chance when I went to the bookstore. Well, actually my sister did. Actually, it is great to have sisters who likes books just as you, and when you go to the mall, where our favorite bookstore is, the first thing we do is go there; It doesn't matter if we are starving and urgently need food or anything else. You put up with because we go to the bookstore first!

Well when we entered on it, it was truly sad to see many empty shelves, which is due to the situation in my country and therefore, the books are still in ports and could not be released yet. However, the three of us seek through the shelves there, despite not having many book to check; my sister (who runs the blog Hojas de otoño), pick up this book, well, we can say thanks to the cover (which is lovely). After reading the synopsis (because she doesn't really like this kind of books), I take it for me. And I don't regret having done so.

Billionares Prefer Blondes, is the third installment in the Samantha Jollicoe siries; in this we see a relatively happy Sam with her own British businessman (to die for) and "away" from the world of white-collar thieves. Or so she thinks. Still yearning to be filled with adrenaline that gives her get into other people's houses and can't lose her habit of checking the security system all places where she goes, not counting the fact of sliping away like a thief from her own home. However, all is well. Her new work in the world of security provides her a lot of money thanks to wealthy clients and her sex life with her English lover is great. Now, when the couple attends a gala in which many and expensive pieces of art are auctioned, just as a new painting never seen before, things get serious. Not only for the fact that there is a possibility that veterans security guards discovered a white collar thief but a character that was apparently dead, returns from the underworld to put everything upside down. Martin, Sam's father, has something in hands and she must discover what it is. With a detective following her around, threats from other thieves, and worried for going to jail, Sam must find who and why stolen a painting from Rick and clear her name in the process. Oh yes, she also needs to make sure Rick doesn't break with her and all her dreams of happily ever after fall apart.

Sam is a great character. She is strong and independent, despite having her amazing man, she still goes ahead and looks alone to fix things. I like her quick tongue and her sense of humor. In short, one of my favorites characters so far this year. As Rick. Oh God! I want a Rick. He is attentive, friendly, sympathetic, sexy, chivalrous, charming with ENGLISH ACCENT, handsome, cultured, ENGLISH and ACCENT. He is great. And I loved him.

This story is based on the evolution of the characters and their lives apparently defined. With both together, she out of trouble and he learning to let her go on her own and know that she will back to him. However, mystery and action moments are there, and we have a history that goes beyond the romantic, with a touch of action and humor. And it is satisfying to find a book like this, to hang out for a while but that leaves you wanting to read more, and learn more about its story.

What I didn't like about this, it is that is the third installment. And just for the fact that I haven't read the previous books. I'm not sure if I had bought knowing this, so I will say it was destiny. But I can affirm that works great as a stand-alone and can be read without knowing in advance anything from the other books. What it gives me that spark of curiosity to read the previous and the two sequels of this. And I can not wait to have it!

Yes, yes, more from Rick! Will there be an little Ricks and Samanthas in the future? I do not know, but I hope so. A great love story that gives us front row seats to grand larceny in the New York Met, graceful lines between characters and endless fun and entertainment. Recommended.


Sobre la autora

Suzanne was born in Southern California sometime in the latter half of the 20th century. In the way that some people are born knowing they want to be astronauts or cellists, Suzanne always knew she wanted to be a writer. Early dreams of becoming a zoologist and writing true stories about her adventures in Africa were crushed, however, after she viewed a television special about the world’s most poisonous snakes; she did NOT want to write about how she’d been bitten and lost a limb to a cobra. Thankfully at the same time the movie “Star Wars” premiered, and she realized that she could make up adventures and write about them, and not be eaten by deadly predators while doing research.

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