#BookReview: Insatiable by @MegCabot

Insatiable de Meg Cabot
Sick of hearing about vampires? So is Meena Harper. 

But her bosses are making her write about them anyway, even though Meena doesn’t believe in them. 

Not that Meena isn’t familiar with the supernatural. See, Meena Harper knows how you’re going to die. (Not that you’re going to believe her; no one ever does.)

But not even Meena’s precognition can prepare her for what happens when she meets—then makes the mistake of falling in love with—Lucien Antonescu, a modern-day prince with a bit of a dark side. It's a dark side a lot of people, like an ancient society of vampire-hunters, would prefer to see him dead for.

The problem is, Lucien's already dead. Maybe that’s why he’s the first guy Meena’s ever met that she could see herself having a future with. See, while Meena’s always been able to see everyone else’s future, she’s never been able look into her own. 

And while Lucien seems like everything Meena has ever dreamed of in a boyfriend, he might turn out to be more like a nightmare. 

Now might be a good time for Meena to start learning to predict her own future . . . 

If she even has one.

My Thoughts
It is the first time I have the opportunity to read a story by Meg Cabot, I know her famous The Princess Diaries series but had never read anything from it. I appreciated greatly this experience because in these times the vampires have been the most IN in the entertainment world, many of us are more than tired of the topic.

Firstly, this novel is incredibly fun, Meena has a great sense of humor and I love to see things differently because it gives us an inside of the most peculiar way. Another very good catch of this story is presenting a remake of Dracula but in a modern and fun twist and not creepy or misplaced. It is a truly original story with surprising turns and all the emotions that can have a romance novel.

I highly recommend it because despite being mock about vampires it's a very insight of this world. Even more is that it catches with lot of humor. Meg Cabot has a very good success writing this adult  novel. Oh! And have you seen its trailer? It's super fun.


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“One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”

— Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel.